The Journey Ahead (Kickstarter)

December 5, 2012 | 8:08 am, by Chris Layfield


Well, many of you know by now that our First Kickstarter campaign is officially over and while we didn’t reach our stretch goals, we hit the goal that really mattered! Volume #3 is going to be made and its all thanks to you! Whether you pledged money or you spread the word, ever little bit helped and Pascalle and i both love you guys for that. Seriously, our fans, you guys and gals, are some of the best fans on the internet, and we could never thank you enough. Well, we CAN… this is the last thank you.

Anyway, if you are a backer, you’ll get emails about updates only you guys can see and we’ll send out surveys for addresses and what not as things get closer. For everyone else, You’ll be the first to know when volume #3 goes on sale in our store by following this site or our various social web dealies. (technical term) This has been an amazing and eye opening journey so far, we may have to do this again. How have you guys felt about it so far? Thoughts? Feelings? Opinions on making the next one we do (if there is a next one) even better? Let us know.


  • Alexander K

    Thoughts and opinions.. It was a small-scale campaign, without much dynamic behind it.

    It would be interesting if you could run a survey for your backers (but do NOT use the Kickstarter survey for that) asking whether they knew about Zap before seeing the Kickstarter, or whether they owned any of your products before, and how did they learn about the Kickstarter.

    Why not use the Kickstarter tool? It makes all questions required to be answered to get the reward – and not everyone appreciates marketing research. Make a survey with some tool elsewhere and make a project update with it.

    The project was rather neatly presented, though you were late adding the poster images – visual descriptions appeal more to the casual browser who cannot be bothered to read it all. Also, highlight keywords with bold, for the very same reason.

    As for reward level selection – I think you did a nice job.

  • I’m totally thrilled with the kickstarter! Thank you so much, everyone!!

  • Who asked you?! Oh wait, I did. Thanks for the thoughts. I’ll look into the survey idea. I agree on the images thing. If we do another one I plan on their being alot more images.

  • Anonymous

    if you didn’t have money until after it ended are you going to sell the third book in the store? and I personally would love to own all of zap in actual book form.

  • BittyBard

    are you going to do a remake of earlier pages? just curious

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