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St. Lucia Ad March 31, 2010 | 2:37 pm, by Pascalle Lepas Quick Note to thank everyone who reported that really awful St. Lucia ad with the talky-lady. I finally found it in the adstream and turned it off, so it should be gone within the hour. The ad had garnered 1400 views by the time I found it, so for those 1400 horrible views, I’m really sorry. Big thanks for reading and all your support in helping keep the site clean of awful ads. Edit 0 Comments Japanese Last Airbender Trailer March 29, 2010 | 9:58 am, by Pascalle Lepas So, if you’re as super excited as me about this movie (Listen, I tried really hard not to, but I just can’t help it) then this latest trailer from Japan will get you even more in a tizzy. I think its interesting the difference between the American trailer, and this one, which seems much more comfortable being asian, but still has a slightly western soundtrack behind it (though it’s not some faux-metal distortion pedal business as in the American version). Anyway, ZUKO FOREVER! Enjoy. Edit 7 Comments Arr… be a shame… March 29, 2010 | 9:19 am, by Chris Layfield Well it looks like Holly and co may have been a bit too late to rescue poppa. What will happen next?!11one Anyway, for those of you not in the know, I’ve been updating Help Me Draw Better for the last few weeks, so if you missed them or if you made a suggestion to be drawn awhile ago, you might want to take a look to see if yours is up. I’ve been replying to the email and form suggestions when they come online, but there is quite a delay on the queue. I look at it as both a plus and minus. On one hand, your suggestion takes awhile to get online, but on the other hand, the number of suggestions makes sure that this little experiment of mine can keep going. You guys are really great! Some of your suggestions are rediculously complicated and random and some are deceptively simple… some are pure fan service. I love all of them. I hope you Keep them coming! After I finally move it to a new website, I’ll be implementing the ability to order prints of the drawings and other merch. So be ready! Edit 0 Comments An Epic of Epic Epicness March 25, 2010 | 4:38 pm, by Pascalle Lepas The first Scott Pilgrim vs. The World trailer hit the web today and it has me so totally stoked I can barely concentrate. Even though I’m still not convinced that Michael Cera is right for the role of Scott Pilgrim (so far he’s played the same character in everything he’s been in, and that character happens to not be Scott Pilgrim), I can’t deny that they’ve nailed the visuals and that a lot of the rest of the casting is pretty great. Any of you out there want to totally geek out about this with me? Edit 6 Comments OMG Explosion March 24, 2010 | 12:55 am, by Pascalle Lepas YOU GUYS BROKE THE WEBSITE. GREAT JOB. So, the long and short if it is we used up too much server resource on our other host and they suspended the account because we kept crashing the server. I was very miffed because they never sent any warnings saying that we were causing problems, so it was kind of not in my schedule to deal with this today. If you can see this then you’re seeing the site on the new host. Moved everything over to a new host and here’s hoping this one doesn’t kick us out either. *crosses fingers* I used to think being too popular for a box was like this glamours amazing thing. I would read webcomic creators tell of the woes of the crashing server and it all sounded so big and important. Turns out it’s not. It’s awful and frustrating. So, here’s hoping! Edit 11 Comments Bleach Live Action Movie Optioned By Warner Bros. March 22, 2010 | 2:22 pm, by Pascalle Lepas THIS! This is news of an outrageous nature! How many of you out there are Bleach fans? I am, as you may have guessed from some crap I drew one time. Given the abominations that was the DBZ movie, do we have any faith in American studios to do a manga/anime series justice? I know Cowboy Bebop and Akira have both been tossed around in Hollywood, and I don’t have particularly warm sentiments towards either project. But let’s try to make this fun! What horrible white-washed cast will they have to play the obviously Japanese Bleach characters? I’m feeling Zac Efron for Ichigo and Miley Cyrus for Orihime. Leave your opinions in the comments! Edit 24 Comments The Hallway March 22, 2010 | 8:29 am, by Chris Layfield What is at the end of Holly’s hallway? I bet some of you have already guessed. Also, Pinky has a captain of her own? Shocking! Are you shocked? I was shocked. Anyway, I’m digging this new wordpress setup for posting the comic stuff. I think I may go this way for Speaking of which, I’m currently finishing up the text and stuff for this week’s suggestions over there, so check in later today for a whole new week of Draw Better submissions. I’ve gotten a much bigger response to this project than I thought I would get, and I love some of your suggestions, so keep em coming, yes? Edit 1 Comment Wow, Wow. Website Down! March 19, 2010 | 9:03 am, by Pascalle Lepas We had a pretty nasty website outage yesterday. Giving the host the benefit of the doubt. Things DO happen, afterall. I upgraded our site24×7 account to ping the server every 30 minutes and test for outages. Hopefully everything runs smoothly from now on. If it doesn’t we’ll up and hop on over to a new host. Anyway, sorry if the outage messed up your comic reading plans yesterday. UPDATE: We’re continuing to have downtime. I guess I need to start looking for a new host. *grumbles* If you know of a good host, let me know in the comments! Edit 5 Comments Welcome to ZAPCOMIC.COM March 15, 2010 | 10:29 am, by Pascalle Lepas Well, here we are. New website. You like? I like. Welcome everyone coming in from the old site. Have a look around and don’t forget to change your bookmarks and subscribe to the new RSS feed. Why the move? Well, I had been sitting on the domain for a couple of years. I snagged it after it finally became available and I always wanted to move the comic to it, but it didn’t seem sensible to uproot everything for no reason. Then the Keenspot Kerfuffle happened and since we would be leaving their servers and needing to install some kind of new archive system, I figured why not just make the move all at once. New, better domain name with a new and better archive system. And that’s how all of this happened. Hopefully everything goes smoothly today. The beta testing last week gave me a sense of how the site performs under traffic, but what’s hitting it today should be the real test. Here we go. Good luck, new website. Edit 8 Comments Birthday for me, Birthday for the site! March 15, 2010 | 10:28 am, by Chris Layfield I secretly believe that Pascalle waited to launch the new site today because it is my birthday. And my beliefs are rigid and unwavering. Well, lots of info today from Madam Pink-ington. Should get you theorists grinding out some interesting thoughts. Can’t wait to read them. In unrelated news, I’ve played Halo 3 ODST now and I don’t know why everyone complained about it. The game was fun to me and the story was interesting and different from the Master Chief stuff. Anyway, I’m thinking about restarting the Halo night again, but only if we get enough feedback from you guys asking that it comes back. Afterall, we all have to get our practice in before Reach comes out! Words of Wisdom: Pink is the new Blue Edit 0 Comments View News Archive