486 | Cap'n Crazy Pants

486 | Cap’n Crazy Pants

July 26, 2010 | 12:18 am, by Pascalle Lepas

Spoiler Alert: Robot doesn’t care too much for Holly.

Did you see what I did? I put the links page back up! Hooray me! Now we have link banners and zapling avatars for all! Show your Zap! love with pride, my Zaplings! Be fruitful and multiply and do long division if it suits you!




  • TalonofElysia

    First thing: Cap'n Crazy Pants. Haha.

    Ok, now that's out of my system, Shouldn't Daedelus have a self-repair system, or something?

    Or a way to shut down the generator, thus killing everyone onboard with no life support, until it can effect repairs?

    I mean, it's a crazy ship, after all, I doubt it'd -care- about the annoying little insects scurrying around inside of it.

  • Boy, Naveed's going to be pissed when that ship goes BOOM …


    (Don't forget to vote! http://topwebcomics.com/vote/7784/default.aspx )

  • I think the 'crazy ship' thing was a fan invention that somehow stuck with people. Daedelus isn't crazy. Just a lonely sentient spaceship left underwater for x-years.

    And on repairing itself – the ship has awareness, but not a way to physically manifest (remember the AI projection is just a projection, not an actual floating naked woman), so it couldn't wrangle it's engine parts back into place even if it did have a way to get replacement components.

  • You don't even know!

    (but you will)

  • SilverWriter

    So, err… sorry, not to be annoying or anything, but there are two typos. First “destroy” has its R and its O mixed up, and then later on “might” seems to be spelled with a U. @_@

  • wow. i am lame. i'll fix it this evening.

  • tatsu361

    part of me thinks that the ship wont blow that naveed will get to it in time or it will go into emergency shut down with emergency generators for life support. or at the very least naveed will remove the core memory or the important parts of the ship.

  • So, no Iron Giant Auto-Repair System, huh? Seems a bit of an oversight …


    (P.S. I like the new Zap Avatars – Zapatars? – though I'll personally be sticking with my “blue face” picture. It has certain history for me, and is probably older than some of your readers … )

  • You can always tell a particular captain is a fan favorite becuase they got “pants” in their nickname. :D

  • SpringLoaded12

    Hahaha, “destory”… one of my favorite typos.
    Panel 3 rocks. There is no emoticon for Reona's face there; we don't have such symbols on our keyboards.
    Also, lepas, Reona as Megaman in your avatar makes me SO HAPPY. Although I'm still kind of leaning towards Samus on this one.

  • Did you see the Billy Squid as Blooper from Mario? I'm thinking of making them into buttons or charms. : )

  • Nick

    Awww, way to go lepas. Here I was hoping we would find out who the lost ones are in this story arc :( :p

  • nathaniemus


  • Haha! Cap'n Crazy Pants! I love it!

  • Shaitanpyrik

    All of which reminds me… Robot is missing a chunk of memory. I wonder, who took it?

  • Aura

    Shame, the ship has awareness and she went to go kill it…how mean =

  • OctoDude

    Indeed, like the feared and celebrated Captain Hotpants, and the slightly more feared and substantially less celebrated Captain Spotty Brownpants.

  • Benji


  • This is why we can’t have nice things. Bloody pirates.

  • John Smith

    Better than Captain Tightpants?

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