462 | Toy Boat

462 | Toy Boat

February 8, 2010 | 11:05 pm, by Pascalle Lepas

If you can’t recall what Naveed is up to, then you may need to reference this strip.
Also: No, you guys, the First Ship STILL isn’t Excelsior. Just like I told you it wasn’t LAST TIME. The first ship will NEVER EVER EVER be Excelsior. They’re not the same thing. Why would Gunner send Naveed to capture a ship he was previously on? Wouldn’t he have just psychic’ed it away somehow? He sent her to get something on some backwater planet because he wasn’t so inclined to go get it himself. :P

Thanks for reading, and speculating!


  • Page-Mistress

    Oh, that is it!

    Kitty cat has crossed the line!

    Holly has joined Kasey as my favorite female character!

    If she tries to take her ship I WILL SPAY HER!

  • Robert

    What happened? Last page  (#461) dated June 7, 2005, then a 4 1/2 year jump to this page (#462) dated Feb 8, 2010 …. ???????

    Huh?,  Rob

  • This was when we migrated to our new site (zapcomic.com). I imported all the comics in a big batch and the dates on them are all wrong. There was never a gap in updates. :)

  • Negatron

    Uh… chances are she’d kick your arse ten ways from tuesday without so much as breaking a sweat (cats don’t have sweat glands you see; except on their paws)

  • Benji

    oh cat lady looks sek-c meeeow and she is equally evil to darn

  • omegaweapon1337

    Cue the “I’m on a boat” song.

  • I KNEW Callisto would be able to teach me how to surf! With Europa’s help too, apparently, but I was still right! *gives self cookie*

  • John Smith

    Uh-oh; this does not look good for our heroes. :(

  • Mr. Random

    Ooooh. Okay. I was wondering about that.

    Hi by the way! Enjoying some of your old work!

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