037 | Hate is an Ugly Word

037 | Hate is an Ugly Word

August 26, 2003 | 9:24 pm, by Pascalle Lepas


  • darkauras

    See, you really are loved Zap!

  • This may be the most messed up Zap's hair has ever been …


  • Ashyen

    Everybody Hates Zap, the new reality show.

  • Okami18

    with real RELITY!!!

  • Okami18

    with real RELITY!!!

  • Page-Mistress

    It’s Reona’s own fault, he said himself he didn’t remember anything up until a few days ago.

    Logically, that includes flying a space ship.

  • Steriema

    And the only time we see it out of it’s ordinary super normal and quite common shape?

  • Luckily Robot seems to be modular.

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