024 | Reona in Charge

024 | Reona in Charge

August 11, 2003 | 9:24 pm, by Pascalle Lepas


  • darkauras

    At first glance on my first read through of Zap (currently on my fourth) I though that read Hyper Active in the bottom panel…

  • Even at this point that parallel is a bit of a stretch. Read on, if you dare; this story stands on its own merits.

    (Though admittedly no sci-fi space adventure can completely escape SW parallels … )


  • Ashyen

    Robot: Yeah, it's almost like robots belong to the sci-fi genre.
    Wookie: You mean actually speaking English and having a personality at all.
    Pilot: And completely not Han Solo in any regard.
    Hero: I'm sorry, you can't compare Zap to Luke at all.
    Starship: Oh, I didn't know the Millenium Falcon was artificially intelligent.
    Hyper-jump: Yes, because jumping across interstellar distances was totally invented by George Lucas only.

    Your arguments are rendered invalid.

  • I like you. I'd like to subscribe to your newsletter…

    But in reality, I think while most assuredly the characters we created fit a certain caste of characters that have been used before, I feel you are trying to shoehorn the Zap! characters into the Star Wars mold, which I really don't think you did well. Especially since your Robot comparison was to Futurama, not Star Wars, and Robot is NOTHING like Bender. Robot is aloof, Bender is abrasive.

    At any rate, if you aren't a fan, I hope you stick around. You'll find the Zap story really is nothing like Star Wars.

  • (you replied to the wrong person.)

  • crap I did…

    That reply was meant for “still star wars”

    Thanks for pointing that out Calle.

  • I will always be here to point out your mistakes.


  • Negatron

    I’d have thought battlecruisers to be somewhat… BIGGER?

  • Is it clear here that Robot fell from the higher ledge?

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