September 28, 2014 | 10:28 pm, by Pascalle Lepas

Surprise! I posted the entire ending all at once so you can enjoy it all together.

To start reading from last Thursday’s update click here

Thank you so much for reading all these years, everyone! Chris and I were really glad to have you. I hope you’ve enjoyed the ending!!! <3

I’ve started a new comic called Wilde Life and you can start reading it here.



xoxo forever


If you want to pick up some originals, you still can right here.


  • SlayerRequiem

    I miss this comic.

  • PrinceNothing

    little late to the party here, but I started as a reader of Wilde Life, but now I’ve read through all of this… and that was amazing

  • Eclaire

    Thank you. This story has meant more to me than I can put into words :)

  • Airianna

    I came over from Wilde Life. Read through this in 2 days. You guys are absolutely fantastic. I loved this! I really enjoyed seeing you guys grow as illustrators and authors. I know Pascalle has Wilde Life going, but what about you, Chris?

    Thank you thank you thank you for sharing your talents and story with us.

  • Serperior3

    oh my god

  • Brazenhead

    Oh, hey. One of the very first webcomics I ever read finished, and I’ve been reading Wilde Life for a while now without even realizing that it was the same author. Life’s funny that way, I guess. I can’t wait to go through an archive binge and rediscover this comic.

  • D. Alpacalips

    And after quite some hours of reading… here I am. The end. Thank you for this comic, Chris and Pas. It was a wonderful read!

  • Kersten Speed

    I’ve been reading Wilde Life for a while now, just read this in one day, LOVED IT. Y’all are geniuses

  • Kitirena Koneko

    Can’t believe this story is finally over…

    Well, so long, and thanks for all the webcomics! (Now if only I had some tasty fish, nyao…)

  • Whisper
  • BGB

    Just finished reading the entire series from start to finish, and I love it. Onwards to Wilde Life!

  • raven0ak

    happy that this domain still exist, its fun to read some old comics once in while

  • Well, I’ve finally made it here to the end, after all these years. I don’t even remember exactly why I lost touch with Zap, though health issues tore me away from many of my favorite webcomics at about the same time.

    At any rate, I’m here, and I loved the ending as much as I loved the rest of the story. 😍

    I’m off to start Wilde Life now. I didn’t see a link to Chris’s new project; did he ever start that, and is there anyone who still reads these comments and can provide a link? If so, thanks in advance!


  • HMFS

    I’m another reader who checked out this webcomic from the links on the equally brilliant Wilde Life. I read it in three days; I would have taken less time if I hadn’t dipped several times into the comments section (fifty years ago, I’d have been the one binging it in a day instead of doing homework — oh yeah, that was before the Internet or anything else that would have made that possible). Thank you so much, both of you, for a story brilliantly told and rendered.

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