749 | Zunis

749 | Zunis

September 28, 2014 | 10:08 pm, by Pascalle Lepas


  • Hekkio

    I’ve lost page 748. It appears to have joined the Server in protesting my access >.> Oh waits. I think just a mis-numbering is all. Phew.

    Also! Robot is smiling! eeeeeeee! :D :D

  • darkfalcon3274

    What was “Zunis”?

  • Zunis was the random-fakey exclamation (expletive?) that Zap was using throughout the series.

  • I always wondered what it meant.

  • Speedy Marsh

    “And we can build this thing together,
    Standing strong forever,
    Nothing’s gonna stop us now.
    And if this world runs out of lovers,
    We’ll still have each other.
    Nothing’s gonna stop us,
    Nothing’s gonna stop us now.”

  • Speedy Marsh

    Did you try turning him off and back on?

  • safyrejet

    Oh that’s perfect. Zunis.

    William, Justin, hear that. You two have to play nice. And is anyone gonna break it to Robot? Be gentle.

  • ShadeTail

    Page 748 seems to be missing.

  • hahaha! I misnumbered them!! Oops! There’s nothing missing!

  • Psiberkiwi

    “This is not the page you are looking for… Please move along…”

  • *fixes robot with “percussive maintenance” *

  • Rexan

    Finally! Some happies! o/ Yay!

  • … then the Vogon Constructor Fleet bulldozes the planet.

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