742 | Final Decision

742 | Final Decision

September 28, 2014 | 10:01 pm, by Pascalle Lepas


  • Speedy Marsh

    Psychic lobotomy?

  • safyrejet

    The truth hurts sometimes Zap.
    The color key here is excellent. The overwash of greenish grey, it’s ominous and kinda sickly.

  • Astralfury

    Even to the end it comes across more as desperation than remorse.

  • Refugnic

    Why do I suddenly feel reminded of the finale of Avatar – The last airbender? Oh right, because it’s very similar in both pose and stuff.

    How was that? ‘I’m dealing with you the only way I can. I’m taking your…’ well, I don’t want to spoil the ending, just in case anyone HASN’T seen the finale yet :P

  • Green Arrow

    You will never be able to hurt anyone again. >.< Avatar: the last airbender was a big chunk of my childhood.

  • … Please tell me isn’t mind-raping the guy.

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