Volume 3 Update!

April 26, 2014 | 11:34 pm, by Pascalle Lepas

If you follow us on twitter you know that we finally got the books on Friday!! We had to fight the man, the man being US Customs, but it all finally shook out.

Of course, that doesn’t mean we’re done because we have a lot of orders to fill! Here’s an update on where I’m at on them:

Posters – All shipped! If you backed for just a poster, you should have gotten it awhile ago! If not, let us know!

Regular Volume 3 Backers – All shipped! If you ordered just the book with no drawing in it, your book should pretty much be to you by now (unless you are international. I’m sorry Earth is so large.). I think I finished this tier a couple weeks ago. If your book doesn’t show up soon, let us know!

Volume 3 Artist Edition Backers – All shipped! If you ordered JUST the third book drawn in, those are all in the mail as of late last week, so they should start arriving, and maybe you already have yours! If not, soon! A few people have tweeted me that theirs have arrived and I’m so happy!

Volume 1, 2, 3 Artist Edition Bundle Backers – Just started drawing in these, hopefully will get about 6 of these bundles out early next week. It’s a lot of drawing and there’s a lot of backers in this tier! I will probably be slogging through this tier for the next couple of weeks. Watch my twitter for updates and I’ll post another update here once this tier is complete.

The rest of the tiers: I’M NOT THERE YET BUT I’M WORKING ON IT! Thanks so much for being patient. I’ve become a little book shipping factory.

I’m so glad we finally got the books, you guys. What a nightmare! At least sending you your stuff is the fun part! Thanks for your patience and support! :)


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