I must say that I’m very disappointed in the artistic integrity of this update.
You introduce the intriguing coffee subplot and then leave it hanging as you move on to more trivial matters.
I demand confectionery/caffeine resolution, or you have lost a reader.
suddenly Grontar turns into McCoy from star trek and rants– ” its not bad enough we have to deal with a psychotic telekenetic arsehole with delusions of grandure, his pet hedge trimmer with a cute wiggling tail that likes to take TOO much off the top of your neck and a mind altered turncoat that flip flops more often then a fish out of water,…but now you expect us to allow some neurotic, overpowered speak and spell thats been plugged into a flying microwave to scatter our molecules halfway across the galaxy !!! ……..i’m going to need a sedative and a doggybag “
As a plot-unrelated side note: This website doesn’t work properly on my phone (Opera on Android 2.3.something). It doesn’t show the actual comic or even the nav-bar. Not even the comic-browse frame (and similar frames do work with other webcomics, like noneedforbushido)
Other flash/java heavy websites seem to work fine…
Would it be possible to make it more mobile-friendly? Or at least add an easy access html archive? Or am I the only one with this problem?
“I’m a giant four armed ape creature, not a doctor!”
Aye, This RSS feed is in my “Not Droid Friendly” folder, and I check everything in that folder about once a week or so.
Well, that’s interesting. Zap and NNFB run on the exact same frame work. I can’t think of a reason why it would work on NNFB and not on Zap. Has it always been that way?
Much as I like the concept she’s planning, surprising a telepath, especially one who is known for bodyjacking, is going to be mighty difficult. Best to be prepared for a fight in any event.
You must construct additional plot-holes!
As much as I love the pirates, may I suggest, Kasey, you leave them on Excelsior if you go through with a zip in-zap out sorta plan. (I see what you did there Pascalle/Chris) I don’t think they’d do the whole stay quiet and avoid being detected thing well. I picture them more as a go in guns blazing kind. I know what they could do, sneak in wearing borrowed psy-trooper suits, baracade themselves in a room while one guy goes to deactivate some energy source, conveniently have their robot discover that their captured princess..er I mean captain is in cell block AA-23, then bust out through a garbage compactor. Alternatively, do they happen to have plans for Gunner’s lair (which many Bothans die to bring them)?
I don’t know how often you get that, but… can you make the comic bigger? I think the awesome art deserves a bigger canvas :) Like… +20% maybe?
You know why making a scifi comic is totally awesome?? Because star fields are a perfectly legitimate reusable background! Gods, I wish I did a scifi comic sometimes. I’m so tired of painting forests, Pascal!!
Agreed. And then there’s good ol’ fashioned dramatic irony (i.e. what we know that the characters don’t). I’m pretty sure that (unless I’ve got the timeline all wrong or Efrem doesn’t follow through) Reona and crew have little chance of reaching Zap before he’s under the influence of a controller crown.
What’s funny is I designed the observation deck specifically to have easy backgrounds for expositional pages like this, but its been YEARS since I’ve drawn the characters there.
So… it didn’t really save me too much time.
^^ I noticed the similarities as well, which is what me made wondering.
Yes it has allways been this way, the NNFB website works the same as on my regular browser (chrome, win7), but the Zap website doesn’t display the nav-bar, adds, or the comic itself. I can see the list of most recent posts on the main page, but clicking them leads to a similar page.
Note: sometimes I see the comic itself for a very brief moment, I’m not into web-programming anymore but I’d say that would be a render error.
Here is a screenshot: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/5095563/SC20120327-113641.png
The Casino must have drove you bananas
Have…. have Kasey’s eyebrows always been the size of planets?
No, I liked it a lot. It’s not that I didn’t want to draw backgrounds, but on scenes where the characters talk a lot, you really don’t need them.
The original plan was to have most of the exposition take place on the observation deck (in the beginning of the comic, this is true) but as the story developed through the middle section the characters weren’t on Excelsior too much, so my plan failed!
No, I liked it a lot. It’s not that I didn’t want to draw backgrounds, but on scenes where the characters talk a lot, you really don’t need them.
The original plan was to have most of the exposition take place on the observation deck (in the beginning of the comic, this is true) but as the story developed through the middle section the characters weren’t on Excelsior too much, so my plan failed!
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! I’ve joined the mindless mobs of people who anxiously wait day by day for the next page to come out! ,O.O,
My soul has split in seven: 9gag, Zap!, Housepets, The Pocalypse, One Piece, Fairy Tail and Beelzebub… And may I say, bitch I feel fabulous! :P
I follow about 2 dozen or so, including Zap!, but not including several that are on “hiatus” and a couple that have ended but I still monitor their comments. And I know there are folks out there that have me beat & follow more than twice as many (I have no idea how they manage it!).
(Just teasing, of course, and welcome new Zapling!)
Since I haven’t seen this come up in the comments, I figure it was covered in the story and I have just forgotten that bit, but if there is a way to know where Zap is, and a way to teleport, is there something that keeps them from cutting the plan down to just “Zap out”?
Which presents a problem to the current plan, since the crew still has no idea where Zap even is generally, much less specifically to sneak in and teleport him out. Reona and Grontar argue about this on the next page. :)
im working on a side comic featuring the coffee as the main character. its going to be called “space java chronicles”
I never get tired of the crazy situations that coffee will get everyone into to satisfy his legendary sugar jones.
Hasher: “I’ve really misjudged you… thanks to you we saved that planet from a collision with that asteroid. We’ve saved a lot of lives today!”
Coffee: “Oh, yeahhhh! There was something about that, too, wasn’t there? Cool beans.”
I never get tired of the crazy situations that coffee will get everyone into to satisfy his legendary sugar jones.
Hasher: “I’ve really misjudged you… thanks to you we saved that planet from a collision with that asteroid. We’ve saved a lot of lives today!”
Coffee: “Oh, yeahhhh! There was something about that, too, wasn’t there? Cool beans.”
Speedy Marsh
Caff or it never happened.
Speedy Marsh
Runtime error in espresso.jar
Speedy Marsh
So maybe they’ll start where he was last detected?
See you at Wizard World! - 2014-11-05 Chris and I will be at Wizard World Tulsa this weekend (Novemeber 7-9!) at the Cox Business Center in Downtown Tulsa. Come see us if [...]
Volume 3! - 2014-07-22 Hey! If you’ve been waiting to get Volume 3, wait no more!
Vol 3 from Brainstorm Limited on Square Market
TGT Media Interview - 2014-06-28 Sarah from TGT Media asked us some questions recently. Read her piece about Zap! here.