
January 24, 2012 | 10:54 am, by Pascalle Lepas

UGH. Sorry about that. Really frustrated with the situation. It was totally unnecessary for the website to be down for 24 hours.


  • But it made things exciting! ;)

  • Ha ha. maybe for you! It made me angry!

  • Joe is not working.

  • Joe

    Sigh, nevermind

  • haha. how would you post a comment about it not working if it wasn’t working?

  • Michael Curtis

    So… SOPA/PIPA belated protest?

  • Joe

    At the time was working, but was not.

  • hahaha!

  • Orlah Ehontas

    YAYYY!! So frustrating to know there’s a new comic and not be able to see it. Whatever you did, thank you!

  • Ok, good point!

  • Benji

    i can not see this page why can i not see this page i am not a happy zappling

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