542b | Captain Nutari of Course

542b | Captain Nutari of Course

August 10, 2011 | 6:03 pm, by Pascalle Lepas

Surprise bonus update!


  • Adam850

    Is the format different today?  Anyway, thanks for the extra page!

  • Steriema

    Idea: Efrem actually hid her from Zap and Gunner.

  • LP

    Glad I check the page at random! :D

  • I put it up early because it only has three panels and I figured people would complain if they only got a three panel page. Even though this one has pretty huge plot implications!

    Thanks for reading!

  • Lenvoran

    Reona… It’s great that your getting serious and all, but I’m pretty sure we need to get you like… Basic combat training…

    Theory: Efrem is a compulsive traitor! He betrayed Reona just so he could go betray Gunner and Naveed! A triple crosser! And Naveed is actually a man!

    …Probably not, but having slightly more ridiculous theories is fun and keeps the mystery alive.

  • Buzz

  • Oseirus

    OMGWTFPLOTDEVELOP… oh hey, bewbz!

    My priorities are straight. <.<

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  • Damien Bargiacchi

    Those people would be lame!

    Thanks for all that drawin’!

  • John Smith


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