512 | Hydro Cannon

512 | Hydro Cannon

January 24, 2011 | 12:30 am, by Pascalle Lepas

Things are getting SUPER intense.

Today is my brother Pat’s birthday! Here is what I got him! 10 out of 10 nerds agree that it is awesome.

Hey, and don’t forget that volume 1 preorders are still happening and that the squid toys are now shipping.


  • Negatron

    That was Gunner and all he said was that the trip back “wouldn’t be as crowded”. There was nothing about traveling alone.

  • Very late reply: there used to be a lot more comments on the old pages, but they were lost when Zap! moved to a new hosting company (twice).


  • TheBear

    Actually, I was wondering if a passing sperm whale had a problem with premature ejac…
    That would explain the look on Reona’s face.

  • John Smith

    Reona, I choose you!

  • Graywolf7902000

    It’s Super Effective!

  • ReBoot Fan

    Yep, you cute!

  • Kevin Fox

    First time thru the archive… it’s not pervy if the lady artist shows a sexy fem. What *is* that costume Naveed is almost wearing? Wardrobe Malfunction warning, especially since she’s active, and the shorts go undertail.

  • Naveed, despite apparently being some sort of cat, probably doesn’t look enough like a cat for that sort of thing to be immediately intuitive.

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