487 | Move It or Lose It

487 | Move It or Lose It

August 2, 2010 | 12:41 am, by Pascalle Lepas

It’s time to get while the getting is good.

Also, Happy Callakuh! For those of you who don’t know, Callakuh is the week-long celebration of my birth. I’m going to turn 25 again this year. It was a pretty good year, but I think if I try it again I can really make it shine. If you want to help me celebrate you can write me a Calleku (a haiku written in honor of me!) in the comments.

Also, don’t forget about the charms! Click the picture to get yours!



  • Ghalail

    I wonder what she got to talk to them about? And hooray for everyone that noticed all those carvings when they first descended!

  • ladyelle

    Happiest Birthday
    It's a fantastic party
    We love Callakuh!

    Happy birthday Calle!

  • Worldguardian

    Considering the last panel, would say the tempel is devoted to psychic and it is most likely Zap.

  • Worldguardian

    i think it is sopposed to be sab in the last panel of this strip http://www.zapcomic.com/2005/06/20100103/, he might be some kind of prophet tht gave the aquarians sth or its the first contact

  • I'm under the impression the Aquarians plan to go down with their ship…

  • Happy Birthday Calle!
    In honor of this event,
    Everyone go Vote!


  • mirrim

    Happy Callakuh! :D

    I'm intrigued by the last panel…I wonder if it depicts Zap using his powers on himself (aka Gunner's theory)?

  • Knightsabre

    Happy Callakuh
    Turning twenty-five again?
    You lead a charmed life.

    Happy Birthday!

  • Keito

    Twenty-five again?
    Well, it would seem that time flies
    quite circularly.

  • Cursed

    May you have a fun
    Battlestar Calla-ti-kuh.
    and good luck with Zap!


  • happy snail

    Talented artist
    Of space-bound shenaningans
    Happy birthday you!

  • northsteve

    I suck at haiku
    this is the best I can do
    I'm sorry Calle
    :] <3

  • Bazo


    ((Sorry for my bad english))

  • Hadn't checked the comic for a long time, artwork has really improved!

  • Zunis! Oh damn It took me about 2 wks to read this from the beginning. There have been many times I was late going to work cause of this toon. Now I'm going to go nuts waiting on updates. Thank god for RSS feed.

  • Welcome, new Zapling!

    The wait is indeed excruciating, but the result is well worth it. In the mean time, be sure to check out the various merchandise, and go to TWC every day to vote for Zap!



  • Marduk

    Scary cute pterodactyl stares.

  • Negatron

    Gunner’s theory, as you call it, is that Zap LET Naveed erase his memory… NOT that he did it himself. Do try to read more carefully.

  • Week-long birthday? … What were you trying to pull?

  • Jennifer

    This makes me wonder how old zap really is

  • This is a good thing to wonder.

  • Green Arrow

    Good try, though a haiku doesn’t rhyme. :) and its 5-7-5 syllables.

  • John Smith


  • Graywolf7902000

    I wonder how the Aquarians will react to there temple being destroyed.

  • D. Alpacalips

    Wait… Did Zap somehow fundamentally influence Aquarian civilization? That’s… astounding, actually.

  • when the ending comes
    all will cry out in lament
    for the broken light

Vote for Zap! First Time Here?
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