485 | A Minor Mutiny

485 | A Minor Mutiny

July 19, 2010 | 12:05 am, by Pascalle Lepas

Robot only says he hates in interrupt to hide the fact that he LOVES to interrupt.

>> THE CHARMS ARE ON SALE. CLICK HERE TO PRE-ORDER YOURS! << More information about them is here.

I wish there was more time left in the story to really delve into Holly, Inman and Scherzer’s friendship. OH WELL! You can just infer the mutual respect from this scene. Aaah… inference.


  • Doushime

    I think the perfect song for this comic is Uprising by Muse. I just had to say that. I love you guys!!

  • Kyithios

    I like the expressions on Inman and Scherzer's faces when they say that the Aquarians are too strong, and that Holly has a whole ship of people, her crew, who need her. Sorta telling her “Live to fight another day.”

  • Nick

    Jay, charms! Id buy them , if it werent for those shipping costs :S (lives on the other side off the ocean)

  • Mokitty

    I understand that she's going through a lot of stuff with losing Zap and then the green psychic shield thingy out of nowhere and then all of this pirate junk, but Reona is just starting to get on my nerves. Wasn't she really bad-ass at the beginning of the comic? Whatever happened to that Reona? I liked that Reona…

  • She just tackled a woman with a knife without knowing if she would then be blasted to bits by psychic water bullets and she's getting on your nerves for not being bad-ass enough?

  • International shipping for small, light items is only like $2.50 more, but I know it can be frustrating.

  • TalonofElysia

    I find that peeve interesting. From the archives, Reona was always a wimp that hid behind Grontar and Zap, and everyone else, while the fighting raged all around.

    Further, Reona (albeit indirectly) caused Zap's capture by Gunner and co by stopping him from fighting.

  • That's why this arc is so important for Reona's development!

  • TalonofElysia

    I agree completely. In my opinion, Reona has already grown quite a bit, both as a person and as a fighter. It takes /Duke Ball of Steel /stopDuke to do what she just did.

  • You know, a Holly/Inman/Scherzer short story spinoff (or backstory) might make for a good series of vote incentives. Just a thought …



  • Nick

    Really? I thought it said 5. Might be mine currency or the total sum which I looked at. Anyways, u did a good job on them.

  • I think the shipping is $3.50 for continental US and $5.50 for International, with slight variations. I try to cut the shipping fees as tight as possible, because I know how annoying they are.

    I should invest in some carrier pigeons.

  • A ship o blokes being assaulted by a catgirl and some elementals… :o

  • Nico

    Damn it, Reona, stop having hot legs for a moment, I'm trying to pay attention to what's actually happening! Lol.

  • Nick

    Heh yeah, thatd be epic. Waking up by a pigeon ticking on your window with a charm tied around its paw. ;)

    Anyways, if your capable off allowing us to buy it through GSM, I wouldnt hesitate. I have way too many spare money on that :p But thats probally not an option :/

  • Anonymous

    Yes, love Reona's pose in the last panel. Wallpaper plz?

  • SpringLoaded12

    Actually, she was especially wimpy during the arc at the abandoned carnival. Like really, really, more-of-a-damsel-in-distress-than-Princess-Peach type wimpy.

  • SpringLoaded12

    Yeah, I was wondering when they were gonna get back to that. Hell, might be a whole nuther arc.

  • Oh I'm pretty sure “Hell” is waiting on that ship ^_^

  • Jerico

    it ait'n mutiny if they save your life!!!!!!

  • Duo_wa_kawai_desu

    Does anyone care that Inman has swapped which of her arms he's holding in the last panels? JUST KIDDING!!!! The story and art are so good they completely negate any bloopers. I just wish there was more to read already!

  • spoiler alert – he's holding both her hands.

  • I actually started writing a sidestory (spinoff) with the pirates but then I stopped cause I realized it would never get drawn.

    Its for the best, Calle is busy enough as it is, I'm not gonna ask her to draw another story on top of Zap. And if I did, it would be to finish “Hardluck” before a pirate sidestory.

    I'd think about having someone else draw them, but I couldn't. These characters our both Calle's and mine and it wouldn't feel right having someone else do it, I think.

  • OctoDude

    Delighted with my Carrier Pigeons, I went a step further, and developed Patient Zero Pigeons.
    I was less than pleased with the result.

  • OctoDude

    Delighted with my Carrier Pigeons, I went a step further, and developed Patient Zero Pigeons.
    I was less than pleased with the result.

  • OctoDude

    Hrm.  I had a different take on Reona’s courage, from
    the beginning.  She started out as a cocktail waitress, for Pete’s sake (okay, those outfits did take some courage) –
    then she became Efrem’s First Mate (well, perhaps not his *first*…  um…  you
    know, I’m not going down that rabbit hole).


    This doesn’t look like Reona hiding behind anybody:



    And these don’t seem like the actions of a damsel in




    I’d say she’s plucky. 
    I’d say she has come a long way, and continues to evolve.  :-]

  • OctoDude

    Darn spacing.  It didn’t look like that when I put it in there…  -_-

  •  People are always hard on Reona because she isn’t a badass magical psychic . But, remember she elected to have experimental technology added to her arm in the hopes of becoming stronger.

    She gets placed into unbelievable difficult situations. Any prudent person knows when they stand a chance and when to step back and let someone stronger step in.

    So, even though she gets out-matched a lot, she keeps trying. And she’s getting stronger as she goes.

  •  People are always hard on Reona because she isn’t a badass magical psychic . But, remember she elected to have experimental technology added to her arm in the hopes of becoming stronger.

    She gets placed into unbelievable difficult situations. Any prudent person knows when they stand a chance and when to step back and let someone stronger step in.

    So, even though she gets out-matched a lot, she keeps trying. And she’s getting stronger as she goes.

  • OctoDude

    She doesn’t need to be a badass magical psycho.  I mean, psychic.  :-]

    Seriously, though – she is arguably the most “normal” of the main characters, and I think that makes her the most relatable. 

    She doesn’t have psychic powers, great physical strength, elemental super powers… She has her wits, her courage, her determination, and the strength of her convictions. 

    I think she’s pretty awesome, and I’ve enjoyed watching her grow.  ^_^

  • Marduk

    Robot sounds surprisingly normal there. I guess even he knows when sarcasm has it’s limits

  • John Smith

    A catgirl in a thong! Don’t forget the thong!

  • Graywolf7902000

    I agree.

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