461 | On Yer Feet

461 | On Yer Feet

June 7, 2005 | 11:05 pm, by Pascalle Lepas


  • Matanui3

    First panel made me think Legend of Zelda for some reason…

  • Okami18

    i think one of the bosses is like that, but im no expert
    another reference, even in the same comic O.o

  • Dr.Ulltross

    Yeah I’ve been playing Zelda games for about twenty years. almost every game has a boss that starts like this.

  • Drake

    I COMMENTED THAT LAST PAGE! and yep it’s the boss from the Water Temple(don’t ask for a name ) Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time reference i think i tough that for hours trying to remember…(why am i blinded again?)

  • Negatron

    That’s character development happening right there in the final two panels =)

  • Jacze

    Morpha, mate. I just finished the 3d version. :-)

  • Crestlinger

    Barbara, big fire serpent/dragon in the hidden palce in Zelda II(NES) Pain in the Arse boss due to the lava and having to jump around between pillars to even Hit the thing, which knows exactly when you’re jumping and will flame you mid jump 60% of the time.

  • Vezera

    Yeah, well, you weren’t the one that it just tried to swallow.

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