460 | That's What She Said!

460 | That’s What She Said!

June 6, 2005 | 11:05 pm, by Pascalle Lepas


  • Matanui3

    Happyface Robot is creeping me out!

  • Okami18

    i know right! life HQ needs to send hhim a disaster… or five

  • Okami18

    another obscure reference!!!!

  • OctoDude

    Billy!!  NOOOooooo!!!

  • OctoDude

    Billy!!  NOOOooooo!!!

  • Page-Mistress

    This seems to happen to him a lot.

  • Drake

    Legend of Zelda carina of Time reference? anyone?(by the way it’s from the Nitendo 64)

  • Drake

    Ocarina i mean …..

  • KryptonAngel

    Ikr? He just goes SPLAT on the ground and nobody seems to care!

  • Negatron

    This page’s title reminded me of this =)

  • John Smith

    Picture is not loading! :(

  • John Smith

    Edit function; it’s right there. *eyeroll*

  • Graywolf7902000

    The water rebooted Robot to nice… Creepy!

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