458 | Splish Splash

458 | Splish Splash

June 4, 2005 | 11:05 pm, by Pascalle Lepas


  • Vikingofflame

    fo' shizzle ? Lol

  • iMech

    Wizzle Hizzle Fo' Shizzle to correct you

  • VegaMX

    It all makes sense now… Snoop Dogg is a malfunctioning robot. That’s why he talks so weird…

  • Okami18

    guess they didnt make him water proof…

  • Marduk

    I robot.

  • Benji

    ha robot can def make a rap album called i robot….out the water hood

  • Anonymous Person

    This page and the previous one gave me such strong Dinotopia vibes.

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