457 | Everybody's a Critic

457 | Everybody’s a Critic

June 3, 2005 | 11:05 pm, by Pascalle Lepas


  • would just like to say your comic looks awesome the artwork is superb. I can't wait to read the story if it's as good as the art I'm in for a good read.

  • Thanks for ads you put on my site this week. The artwork looks amazing. I've bookmarked it so I can come back and read through your archives. Can't wait to get started.

  • Sometime around 2005 or 2006 the art started spiking upwards in quality…and it just keeps getting better and better. I'm almost scared to see how good it gets by the 2010 comics.

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  • somrandom

    is that zap in the last panel ???

  • Aha! It's foreshadowing! Which I did not pick up on at all at the time… and I still feel like I'm in the dark…

  • Nico

    Zap indeed. Cool. Also, Reona has a very nice posterior.

  • Timat23

    I know she's suppose to be talking about the temple, but to me…it seems Holly is passing judgment on Reona's *Ahem* backside, and worse yet its a horrible judgment!

  • Squid

    Oh, for a hundred years or so with unlimited air down there…

  • Anonymous

    I would love to see this page animated. Its so gorgeous. Of course, there’s already a feeling of movement with that middle panel that’s breathtaking. Reona’s pose also conveys a level of excitement that’s positively infectious.

  • Green Arrow

    Zap’s inside a sculpture!

  • John Smith

    Oh, yeah…

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