443 | The Visualization of Excelsior

443 | The Visualization of Excelsior

May 19, 2005 | 11:05 pm, by Pascalle Lepas


  • Zippomage

    OH HEY! WHO DA MAN! *boogies*

  • VegaMX

    … So I’m thinking there’s a distinct possibility that Robot’s dating out of his league.

  • Yo

    Totally. Now I know why he prevers Excelsior over Kasey.

  • Shiroganekaze

    ok is it just me, or does she look a bit like a kind naive woman in the flashback, and here she looks Kinda menacing?

  • OctoDude

    Well, they both *are* after Robot….

  • Signlanguagemonkey

    Cortana!  Except with longer hair.  And less tattoos.  And floaty.  

  • TheBear

    So that’s what Lexa Doig would look like with blue hair. I wonder if Exelsior will get an android body like Andromeda did.

  • John Smith

    Looks kind of like that holographic chick from “HALO: Legends”.

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