100h | The Dream Revisited

100h | The Dream Revisited

November 17, 2003 | 9:24 pm, by Pascalle Lepas


  • Formula_410

    Number of times this has happened to me: too many to count.

  • darkauras

    It's like a temporary tattoo, only in reverse.

  • Okami18

    now you can be a LEGAL EAGLE! 

  • Negatron

     You mean you often wake up in a spaceship in the middle of the night, with tattoos you didn’t know you had before?
    Must be some wild parties in your area.

  • Negatron

    So… a permanent one?

  • Anonymous

    No…instead of disappearing after a while it appears after a while. In the end it is permanent but the process of getting it is like a temporary tattoo.

    I’m not quite sure where I was going with this.

  • MaximumCarnage

    Also broken. Dagnabbit.

  • gill

    It appears instead of disappears, maybe?

  • HMFS

    Oh he’s a millennial, then.

  • Psychic tattoos only exist if you think about them. Lol

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