Volume One

Volume One

July 13, 2003 | 9:24 pm, by Pascalle Lepas

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  • TekServer

    Well, here we go.

    If I'm going to succumb to my OCD and ensure comments are present on every page, I might as well try to make at least a few of them useful.

    New readers: please take a moment to look at this page, then click “Last”, look at the newest page, then click “First” to come back here.
    Are you back? See what you've got to look forward to? Prepare yourself to embark upon a journey, during which the decent art on this page is transformed in to the amazing art you see on the current page …

    Also, don't forget to pop in at TopWebComics every day and vote! http://topwebcomics.com/vote/7784/default.aspx

    A few pointers:
    – Pascalle Lepas is female.
    – Psychic is spelled p-s-y-c-h-i-c.
    – As you read, take note of the difference between what the characters know, and what we as the audience know.

    Have fun!


  • TekServer

    Well, here we go.

    If I'm going to succumb to my OCD and ensure comments are present on every page, I might as well try to make at least a few of them useful.

    New readers: please take a moment to look at this page, then click “Last”, look at the newest page, then click “First” to come back here.
    Are you back? See what you've got to look forward to? Prepare yourself to embark upon a journey, during which the decent art on this page is transformed in to the amazing art you see on the current page …

    Also, don't forget to pop in at TopWebComics every day and vote! http://topwebcomics.com/vote/7784/default.aspx

    A few pointers:
    – Pascalle Lepas is female.
    – Psychic is spelled p-s-y-c-h-i-c.
    – As you read, take note of the difference between what the characters know, and what we as the audience know.

    Have fun!


  • thatoneguy456

    Nice just tell them everything.

  • Thatoneguy456

    Nice just tell them everything.

  • darkauras

    Lol…tekserver's post might as well read “education 101 for readers” gotta love it.
    Though I do agree with the whole looking at the latest page and then back to this page…the difference is incredible and admirable.

  • I guess noone ever gets my gender mixed up? I also have boobs ya know.

  • The proper term is “moobs” – unless I've got your gender mixed up …


  • Ashyen



  • …wait, does that mean there's a BAD reason for killing Dumbledore?

  • Negatron

    Seeing how often it appears in various comments, I think you should add one more “pointer” to the list:
    – additionaly to being female, Pascalle and Lepas are both the same person =)

  • I have a first name AND  a last name!

  • Rafaelocolopez

    is  great  i  like  me

  • Bea

    So I figured I would go and read this comic again…the art makes me lol :3

  • Crestlinger

    Joker got his flowers from the back left one there.

  • Cemal Onur Donmez

    Here we go, and here we return.

  • Green Arrow

    LOL! So do I!!! _(*-*)_/ Who knew, right? Maybe we’re twiinns…

  • Green Arrow

    Quite impossibly not. @____@

  • Green Arrow

    I like me too, unless I start arguing with myself. . . That’s just embarrassing. . .(+_+)

  • Namanie

    Man, twelve years of art is quite a difference.

  • I have returned.
    Due to some personal issues, I fell out of touch with many webcomics, including this one. As a result, I never finished reading this fine saga. I’ve elected to start over, instead of trying vainly to remember where I stopped reading and then remember the story up to that point.
    So. Here we go again!

Vote for Zap! First Time Here?
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